- 合集
- [VCB-Studio] Puella Magi Madoka Magica / 魔法少女小圆 / 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [TV + MOVIE Rev V2 Fin]

[VCB-Studio] Puella Magi Madoka Magica / 魔法少女小圆 / 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [TV + MOVIE Rev V2 Fin]

魔法少女小圆 / Puella Magi Madoka Magica / 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ BDRip Rework V2
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC + AAC,MKV 格式。约 1.2 GB 一集。
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。剧场版约 6.8 GB。
内封原盘 JPN + ENG + CHT + KOR + FRE + SPA 字幕。
外挂 FLAC 5.1 + DTS 评论音轨。
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。剧场版约 7.0 GB。
内封原盘 JPN + ENG + CHT + KOR + FRE + SPA 字幕。
外挂 FLAC 5.1 + DTS 评论音轨。
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。剧场版约 10.3 GB。
内封原盘 JPN + ENG 字幕。
外挂 FLAC 5.1 + DTS 评论音轨 + 两条附赠晓美焰初配音轨。
太长不看版:我们第二次重制了《魔法少女小圆》全系列。OP 和 ED 的制作人员表从意大利文改为了日文原版。所有视频内容使用了改进的预处理并重新编码。增加了超多相关资源。以下详细。
我们在 2019 年底启动了《魔法少女小圆》重制计划,作为我们对这部作品十周年的纪念。结果这个项目花了两年多才完成,终于在十一周年来临之际得以发布(小圆的 TV 版第一集于 2011 年 1 月 7 日播出),可喜可贺。
我们之前发布的小圆 TV 版基于由 Dynit 发行的意大利版蓝光原盘制作,因为这个版本比日版的色带要少很多(注意剧场版并没有这个差别,三部剧场版的意版、美版画面都和日版完全相同,也都有较重的色带问题)。虽然采用意版原盘对压制的修复处理(去色带)更为方便,但一直以来有不少观众表示更希望收藏一份日文原版制作人员表的 BDRip。
结果就是这次重制后的 TV 版仍然是基于意版原盘为主,同时经过大量手动切割与合并,将 OP、ED 进行替换(下文详述),做到看起来和日版原盘一样。出于一致性考虑,这次重制版在每一集开头仍都留有一秒(24 帧)的黑屏,和意版相同。因此,如果你使用的字幕是根据日版原盘调轴的,可能在偶数集(2、4、6……12)是没有这一秒黑屏的,就需要把字幕的时间轴向后平移大约一秒(准确地说是 1001 毫秒)。
除了处理色带问题,这次重制时我们还修复了之前没修的原盘线条的轻微光晕(haloing)问题。在内容方面,我们为 TV 版增补了日版原盘里包含的所有评论音轨,还增加了于 2015 年 MADOGATARI 展上播出并随后收录于蓝光的两段与小圆相关的视频,分别是第三部剧场版的回顾特别短片(下文详述)和新作动画的概念视频(下文详述)。此外,我们还增补了一些 CD,并添加了海量(4000+)相关资料的扫图。
1. TV 版的意版原盘里实际上附送了日语制作人员表的 OP 视频,画质也比日版原盘要好,所以我们就直接用了这个作为正片意大利语版 OP 的替换。对于前六集,OP 制作人员表的内容是完全相同的;在后六集里,美术监督换了人,所以我们把显示美术监督的这一个镜头从日版原盘里切出来做了再次替换(这一个镜头里没有大面积的颜色渐变,也就不存在色带问题)。当然,第 10、12 集不需要替换,因为本来就没有 OP。
2. 在比较 OP 制作人员表内容的时候我们有一个意外的发现:日版原盘 OP 靠近结尾的一个镜头(小圆在奔跑)中,制作人员文字的粉色阴影比在其他地方的饱和度有所降低。意版原盘中则没有这个现象,包括意版原盘附送的日文版 OP 里也没有。我们也完全想象不出这个变色是有意为之的可能,只能认为是日版制作失误了。当然,这个问题在使用意版原盘附送的日版 OP 时也就自动被“修复"了。
3. 因为 ED 的制作人员表每一集都不同,所以全部都是从日版原盘中切出来替换的。除了第九集的特殊 ED 是直接从意版附送的特典里拿来的。
4. TV 版的所有音轨都取自日版原盘,偶数集和视频进行了同步(在音轨开头加入 1001 毫秒的空白)。
5. 作为第三部剧场版“叛逆"的特典收录的“TVSP",是前两部剧场版的总集篇,这次重制时以可变帧率(VFR)制作,修复了滚动字幕的模糊问题。
6. 作为第三部剧场版“叛逆"的特典收录的“Madogatari Recap",是在 MADOGATARI 展上播放的小圆相关视频之一。在展出现场播放时,使用的是一个三联式屏幕:三块相同大小的约 16:9 的屏幕,中间一块,两边各一块且与中间屏幕垂直,为观众提供一种“沉浸式"的体验(你可以在网上找到当时会场布置的照片)。在随后发行的原盘中,这段视频实际上有四个:一个缩小了的全景视频,和三个分别对应左、中、右屏幕的全分辨率视频。为了还原观看体验,我们通过大量剪切和拼接,把这四个视频的内容合并为一个视频:对于三屏分别展示不同内容的镜头,我们将三个全分辨率视频的画面横向拼接在一起;对于画面横跨三屏的镜头,我们使用全景视频中的原始画面并用高级算法放大,避免画面拼接处的黑线和锯齿。最终成品是一个 5760x1032 分辨率的超宽视频。如果你有合适的观看设备,请务必体验一下。
7. 新增的小圆概念视频(Concept Movie)是在 MADOGATARI 展上播出的关于新作动画的“预告片"。不出意外的话,这个新作动画也就是接下来的第四部剧场版“魔女之夜的回天"。相信大家也都在期待了。
8. 本次重制所有视频均使用 --crf 14 参数压制,与我们 14 岁的圆神相呼应。愿圆环之理与你同在。
TL;DR: We have reworked the Puella Magi Madoka Magica series for the second time. Opening and ending credits in the TV series are now in Japanese instead of Italian. The whole series is re-encoded with improved pre-processing. Tons of relevant resources are added. For details, read on.
We decided to rework the Puella Magi Madoka Magica series at the end of 2019 as our way of celebrating the 10th anniversary of the show. This project ended up taking a bit more than two years to finish, and we are glad to release it just in time for the 11th anniversary (the first episode of Puella Magi Madoka Magica was aired on January 7th, 2011).
Our previous releases of the TV series are based on the Italian version Blu-ray released by Dynit, as this version of Blu-ray has much less banding than the Japanese version (note that this is not true for the movies – both the US and Italian Blu-ray of the three movies appeared to be the exact same encodes as the Japanese version, so they all share the same banding problem). While using the Italian Blu-ray as source made it easier for pre-processing (i.e. debanding), many people would prefer the original Japanese opening and ending credits, rather than Italian.
This time, our plan at first was to just use the Japanese Blu-ray as source instead, and we were confident that we could make equally good or even better encodes, given nowadays there are more advanced filter combos to deal with stubborn banding. After careful comparison, however, we found that the Italian version is still at an advantage here: while both Blu-ray look mostly the same after filtering, there are a few scenes we found where the Italian Blu-ray just appeared to be slightly but noticeably better in terms of smoothness.
As a result, the TV series of this release is still based on the Italian version as much as possible, with lots of trimming to replace the opening and ending with those containing the Japanese credits (more details below), to make it look identical to the Japanese version. For consistency, there are always one second (24 frames) of black screen at the beginning of each episode, same as the Italian version, so if the subtitles you are using were timed with the Japanese Blu-ray, which might not have the one-second black screen on the even number of episodes (ep. 2, 4, 6…12), you would need to delay the subtitle timing by about one second (or 1001 milliseconds to be exact).
Apart from dealing with the banding issues, we have also fixed the slight haloing of the line art this time, which were left as is in the previous release. Content wise, commentary audios of the TV series were added following the Japanese Blu-ray. We have added the Madogatari recap video (more details below) and the Concept Movie of the upcoming new anime (more details below), which were both shown during the Madogatari Exhibition in 2015 and included in the Blu-ray released later. We have also added more CDs, and tons (4,000+) of scans into the collection.
Other minor details:
1. Actually, there is an opening video of the TV series with Japanese credits included in the Italian Blu-ray, so we just used that instead of trimming from the Japanese Blu-ray. For the first six episodes, they are identical; for later episodes, however, the names of the art directors (美術監督) are changed, so we trimmed and replaced that single cut containing the text from the Japanese Blu-ray (which is a cut contains virtually no large areas of color gradient, so banding is a non-issue). Except episode 10 and 12, of course, where there are no opening credits.
2. We had an unexpected finding while comparing the opening clips: in the Japanese Blu-ray, the pink shadings of the credit text in one of the cuts near the end (showing Madoka running) are somewhat desaturated compared with others. This is not present in the Italian Blu-ray, not even with the included Japanese version of the opening. We cannot think about any reasonable explanation of this being intended, so mostly just human error. Of course, this is automatically “fixed" by using the opening clip from the Italian Blu-ray.
3. As the credits in the endings are different in every single episode, they were always trimmed and replaced with those in the Japanese Blu-ray. Except episode 9, which has a special ending (Sayaka & Kyouko) that is also available in the Italian Blu-ray.
4. All audio tracks of the TV series were taken from the Japanese Blu-ray and resynchronized with the video if needed (added 1001 milliseconds of silence at the beginning).
5. The “TVSP" recapping the first two movies, included in this release as one of the bonuses of the third movie Rebellion, is now properly made VFR. This fixes the smearing artifact in the scrolling credits.
6. The “Madogatari Recap", included with this release as one of the bonuses for the third movie Rebellion, is one of the videos shown during the Madogatari Exhibition on a triple-screen setup: three equally sized screen with approx. 16:9 ratio, one in the middle, flanked by two others placed perpendicularly, to provide an “immersive" experience (you can find photos of the setup during the Madogatari Exhibition somewhere online). In the Blu-ray release of this video, however, there are four of them: one downscaled overview, and three full-res videos for left, middle and right, respectively. Here we tried to merge them into one single video to replicate the viewing experience: we stacked the three full-res videos for cuts that showing different views, and we took cuts that has a continuous picture across the three screens from the overview video and upscaled using advanced algorithms to avoid stitching gaps and ugly aliasing. This resulted an extremely wide 5760x1032 video. Enjoy it if you have the right monitor setup!
7. The new “Concept Movie" was also revealed during the Madogatari Exhibition, served as a trailer for a new anime work of the series, supposedly the sequel to Rebellion, i.e. the upcoming 4th movie Walpurgis no Kaiten. Looking forward!
8. The whole series is encoded using --crf 14, echoing our 14-year-old Goddess Madoka. May the Law of Cycles be with you.
VCB-Studio 不再保证收集作品相关 CD 和扫图资源的声明
VCB-Studio 多年来吸引了诸多观众。大家在认可我们视频编码质量的同时,也赞扬我们齐全的附加发布内容,尤其是相关 CD。
为了确保 VCB-Studio 今后项目的发布频次,整理组减负势在必行,因此我们决定:不再要求整理组尽可能搜集所有与项目直接相关的、已在线上公开放流/授权分享的 CD 和扫图。
以后发布的项目仍可能包含 CD 或扫图,那或许只是因为负责的整理组员真爱。我们将默认不再附带 CD 和扫图,请理解我们终将无法满足所有期待。
VCB-Studio will no longer guarantee to include relevant CDs and scans
VCB-Studio has attracted a sizable audience over the years. Many people seem to like our encodes, while there are also many who appreciate the completeness of our releases, especially CDs.
We are proud of all the hard work of our collation members for that. However, as a matter of fact, we have been shorthanded of collation members for quite a few years - this is not sustainable.
Now we have to unload some collation work to make sure we can still make BDRip releases every once in a while: we will be no longer enforcing the rule to our collation members to collect as many relevant CDs and scans as possible that are shared (publicly or privately) on the Internet.
In the future there might be still CDs and scans included, e.g. it happens to be the favorite show of one of our members, but please do not expect that we will include many CDs and scans (if at all) by default.
Bonus content (NCOPs/NCEDs/PVs/Interviews etc.) that come with the Blu-ray will still be included as always.
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
CD & Scan: 水無月時雨@NPUPT, {klct2010, able1214, 甜池里的沙耶, ksxg}@TSDM, Anonymous@U2
本资源扫图格式为 WebP,浏览详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949 if you have trouble viewing WebP images.
有关 TSDM 合购区的详情请参见 https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923。
Please refer to https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923 for more information about jointly purchased music.
基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: VCB-Studio 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)

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