[VCB-Studio] Love Live! School Idol Project / ラブライブ! School Idol Project 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1-S2 + MOVIE Fin]

admin 2024-2-28 49

Love Live! School Idol Project / ラブライブ! School Idol Project BDRip

S1&S2: 10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。每话约 1.4 GB。

MOVIE: 10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。剧场版全篇约 6.6 GB。
内封原盘英文字幕,外挂 5.1 音轨。

太长不看版 / TL;DR:

本次我们重制了 Love Live 初代的全部动画内容,包括两季 TV 动画、一部剧场版、以及众多 MV,作为动画播出十周年的纪念。LL 原盘在当年算是最好的一类,今天来看也算不错。主要有两方面的问题,一是低分辨率拉伸造成的锯齿和模糊,二是部分暗场平面有轻度色带。前者我们采用近年来的新技术,逆向拉伸重构来处理;后者则用温和的去色带手段去除。此外本次重制还增加了海量相关资源,包括几乎全部 CD、大部分画集。

We have reworked all the anime related to the original Love Live series, including two seasons of TV anime, one movie, and numerous MVs, as a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the anime. The Blu-ray of LL was among the best back in the days, and still decent even by today's standard. The two main issues with these Blu-rays are the aliasing/blurring lines caused by upscaling and some light bandings in some of the dark scenes. We could fix the former with descaling and reconstruction, the technique we have been utilizing in recent years, and fix the latter with mild debanding filters. We have also added tons of related content to the collection, including almost all the CDs and many of the artbooks.


1. 本次我们使用 2019 年发售的 9 周年纪念版 BDBOX 作为 BD 源,该版正片内容与分卷版基本相同,只在第二季的部分集数开头有黑屏帧数的区别。我们将有区别的集数进行剪切和增补,调整到与分卷版一致,这样可以直接匹配以前的字幕。虽然视频内容没有变化,但是 BDBOX 版的章节信息几乎完全错误,我们只能拿分卷版章节进行校正。BDBOX 版正片并非一集对应一个 m2ts,而是有连体和肉酱等多种形式,再加上片头黑帧需要调整,剪切与拼接片源耗费了大量的制作时间。

2. Love Live 初代两部 TV 的原生分辨率为 810p 左右,剧场版在 818p 左右,而虹和星的原生分辨率只有 800p。乍一看似乎制作反而退步,但实际后面两部的作画精细程度远超初代。这再一次说明,原生分辨率并没有直观上的可比较性,更不能代表动画质量。我们报告的数字或许可以给其他压制者提供参考,但对于观众而言,考虑原生分辨率并没有多大意义。

3. 在分卷版中,每卷最后一集末尾有一段羊驼怪叫的版权警告画面,大概官方也知道太难听了,在 BDBOX 里增加了由 9 位女主配音的新版版权警告画面,我们将其作为特典进行制作,因此本次我们删除了正片末尾的羊驼版警告画面。

4. Live Collection (MV 合集) 这张 BD 中收录了 5.1 和 2.0 两条音轨。经查证,双声道音轨在 14.2 kHz 以上被整齐地切掉了,为假无损。因此我们将 5.1 音轨作为主音轨,保留存在问题的 2.0 音轨作为副音轨,供大家“鉴赏"并怒斥制作商。

5. 在旧版 BDRip 中,S1 附带有一个 OVA,实则是 6 单的特典动画,并非一期 BD 的特典内容,因此本次将其归入到 MV 中。6 单的特典动画由前半段 OVA + 后半段 MV 组成,而 Live Collection BD 中只收录了后半段 MV,于是我们又单独压制了 6 单特典动画的完整版,收录到 MV 目录下。此外还有一个在 Live Collection 之后发布而没有收录的 「A song for You! You? You!!」,我们也将其放到 MV 目录下。

6. 本次我们只重制了动画以及特典,不包括单独发售的 Live 和动画 BD 附赠的 Live,并且今后在可预见的时间内也无重制 Live 的计划。主要原因是在旧版中 Live 也是单独作为一个独立的项目制作,次要原因是我懒得弄。

7. 本次我们收集了几乎所有 LL 初代相关的 CD,包括动画 CD、特典 CD、非动画 CD、Hi-Res 等等,总体积甚至远超过视频部分。未收集的 CD 为前三场 Live 的 Drama CD 和 Radio CD Vol.1-5,由于年代久远且无人放流只能放弃。

8. 众所周知,旧版 BDRip 中,我们带了全套字幕。但是部分字幕有较为严重的问题,并且年代久远已不可考,修复困难,因此本次 BDRip 将不携带任何字幕。需要字幕的同学可以从旧版 BDRip 中获取,或者前往字幕论坛获取。


1. We took the 9th anniversary BDBOX in 2019 as Blu-ray source for this release. The main episodes in this BDBOX are mostly identical to the volume releases, except that some episodes in season 2 have different number of black frames in the beginning. We adjusted this to keep them consistent with the volumed version, thus compatible with existing subtitles. Chapters in the BDBOX, however, are virtually all wrong and completely unusable, so we had to take the ones from the volumed Blu-ray and match them. To make matters worse, episodes in the BDBOX are often concatenated/split instead of in individual M2TSes, costing us tediously long time to cut/join and adjust the black frames for all the episodes.

2. The native resolution of the first two seasons of TV series are about 810p, and the movie is about 818p, while Nijigasaki and Superstar have only 800p. It might seem like a regression judging by the numbers, but it's obvious that the latter two have much more detailed sakuga. Once again, we would like to emphasize that the native resolution numbers we report are not comparable across different titles in the intuitive sense, nor are they measurements of the image quality. The numbers we report could potentially serve as references for other rippers/encoders, but they're not very meaningful for average viewers.

3. In the volumed Blu-ray version, there are bleating of alpacas as copyright notices at the end of the last episode of each volume. Possibly due to complaints from people who found them unpleasant, new copyright notices casted by the nine main characters are added in the BDBOX version. We have included these as SPs, and therefore, we have removed the alpaca versions from this release.

4. The Live Collection (collection of MVs) Blu-ray included 5.1ch and 2.0ch audio tracks. We could confirm there is a 14.2 kHz cut-off in all 2.0ch audio tracks -they are fake lossless audios. We made the 5.1ch audios as the primary (default) track, but we kept the questionable 2.0ch audios as secondary tracks for you to “appreciate" them and denounce the publisher.

5. In our previous BDRip release, the special anime for the 6th single were mistakenly named as an OVA attached to S1. We have moved it under the MV folder this time. As the special anime has an OVA part and an MV part, but the Live Collection Blu-ray only included the MV part, we encoded the whole special anime separately and put it under the MV folder. We have also included “A song for You! You? You!!" as MV, which was only released after the Live Collection Blu-ray.

6. We have only reworked the anime and related bonus content this time, without touching any live concerts either published separately or as bonus of anime Blu-rays. We do not have plans to rework those any time soon, either. The live concerts were separate projects, and I just don't have much interest to rework them.

7. We have collected almost all related CDs of the original Love Live series, including anime CDs, special CDs, non-anime CDs and Hi-Reses, etc. The total file size of the CDs here even surpassed the videos. Some CDs, namely the Drama CDs of the 1st-3rd Live, and Radio CD Vol.1-5, are not included as we couldn't find them available anywhere, given they were released such a long time ago.

8. As lots of you know, we had complete set of Chinese subtitles with our old BDRip release. However, some of those subtitles suffer from severe quality issues, and it's beyond our ability to find people who made them for a fix. Therefore, no subtitles are included in this release. You might still get them from our old torrents, or from the Anime Subtitle Club.

总监: 由于一些众所周知和不为人知的原因,LL 在组内一直作为屎山和黑历史存在,多年来甚至没有一个合集 Reseed,旧种面临废种危机。近年来,随着虹和星的活跃,LL Great Again。我们深知 LL 能有今天的地位,缪水功不可没,重振 LL 荣光,我辈义不容辞。作为一个新晋 LL 人,我联合某不愿透露姓名的大小姐以及 LL 四朝元佬武松大佬,开启了本次重制地狱。武松佬凭借多年经验以及钞能力,提供了海量资源和情报。大小姐则肝力全开,本着应查尽查、应收尽收的原则,整理收集了一切可以获取的 CD 和动画相关书籍画册(不包括杂志)。最后,本项目历时半年,中途一度停摆,能在动画播出十周年之际按时发出,实在是可喜可贺。当然这一切离不开组内朋友们的默默付出,这再次印证了作为 LL 的主题同时也是 VCB-Studio 网站标语的那句话,这是みんなで叶える物語(大家一起实现的故事)。

本资源扫图格式为 WebP,浏览详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949 if you have trouble viewing WebP images.

有关 TSDM 合购区的详情请参见 https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923
Please refer to https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923 for more information about jointly purchased music.

基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: Anime 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)

Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)
Season 1

Season 2










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