[喵萌奶茶屋&VCB-Studio] 海盗公主 / Fena: Pirate Princess / 海賊王女 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Reseed Fin]

admin 2024-2-28 58

海盗公主 / 海贼王女 BDRip Reseed
Fena: Pirate Princess / Kaizoku Oujo BDRip Reseed
海賊王女 BDRip Reseed

10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。每话约 1.2 GB。

这个项目与 喵萌奶茶屋 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
This project is in cooperation with Nekomoe kissaten. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.

作为美日合资的原创番,海盗公主有着不亚于剧场动画的精良作画,无论在人物,背景,动作和特效各方面都有很好的发挥。 原盘的正片部分原生分辨率为864P, 而OP/ED则为FullHD制作。可惜的是,由于制作方选择了以4卷*3话的形式发行BD,却又为所有画面加上了动噪,导致原盘码率明显不足,被编码器压烂的噪点更是为制作带来了挑战。 为了保护纹理和暗场细节, 本片的处理采用了部分降噪+修复噪点的方针。 我们先使用多种降噪算法辅以逆向拉伸来分离原盘的噪点,再透过自适应加噪来修复损坏的部分,最后按亮度进行自适应降噪。另一方面,我们使用常规的反锯齿和去色带处理线条和平面的瑕疵,并对暗场作有限度的增强,以抵消编码器抹除的影响。
Fena: Pirate Princess is a original anime co-produced by Production I.G., Crunchyroll and Adult Swim. The series featured an all-round high-quality production, with refined character drawings, beautiful backgrounds, dynamic motion scenes and polished special effects. The Blu-ray source had a native resolution of 864p, except for OP/ED which were produced in Full HD. However, the producers made some dubious decisions: they crammed 3 episodes into each Blu-ray disc, which limited bitrate quota most needed for encoding the nice picture details. To further complicate the problem, temporal grain was added to all scenes. To preserve textural details and dark scenes in ripping, we opted to repair the compressed grain and reapply it in a luma-adaptive manner. A hybrid of denoising and descaling algorithms was deployed to separate the temporal grain layer, followed by repairing via adaptive graining. Meanwhile, we applied typical strengths of debanding and anti-aliasing filtering, and gently strengthened the dark regions by sharpening to offset the influence of x265 encoder.

1. 应合作组要求更改了文件命名;
2. 增补了周边专辑内容。
本次 Reseed 进行了大规模重命名,无法直接通过 BT 客户端校验后覆盖更新,建议删除后重新下载。

Reseed comment:
1. Renamed files as per fansub group's request;
2. Added more CDs.
This Reseed has extensively renamed the files, so you can't checksum and update the old version directly through the BT client. We recommend deleting and re-downloading.
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thank to all resource providers:
CD/SCAN: Mashin@nyaa,kannagiumine@TSMD合购区

这份发布来自 VCB-Studio 每月老番重发计划。
我们计划在每月月中和月末,重发 VCB-Studio 曾经发布过的合集。选择的合集有这些特点:
1. 发布已久,公网已经或者几乎断种;
2. 存在制作错误或疏漏,尤其当存在补丁包修正;
3. 之前的发布为分卷或分季,适合补充一个系列合集。
2023 年 2 月,下旬

基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: Anime 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)








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