[VCB-Studio] Toaru Majutsu no Index / 魔法禁书目录 / とある魔術の禁書目録 10-bit 1080p AVC BDRip [S1+S2+MOVIE Reseed Fin]

admin 2024-2-29 48

Toaru Majutsu no Index / 魔法禁书目录 / とある魔術の禁書目録 S1+S2+MOVIE Reseed
S1: 10-bit 1080p AVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。每话约 700 MB。
S2: 10-bit 1080p AVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。每话约 750 MB。
MOVIE: 10-bit 1080p AVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。4.5 GB。外挂 FLAC 5.1 主音轨和 AC3 评论音轨。

第一/二季度:TV 两季度和超电磁炮 S1 与 魔禁剧场版和超电磁炮 S2 在画质上对比鲜明,前者是典型的模糊过度,后者是官方锐化过度。所以处理上除了去除色带之外,做了一点点收线和锐化。同时相比超电磁炮 S1,这里改进了 DVD 动画特典的制作方法。
剧场版:比起同期制作的超电磁炮 S2,魔禁剧场版在画面上还是有不小的进步。作画密度和精细度有了明显的提升,原盘的画面问题也更少。处理上就是沿用电磁炮 S 的思路,对线条 AA,对非线条 deband,配合 mask 和 limit 保护,但是力度要小许多。

S1+S2: The BD source is typically of over-blur. Pre-processing therefore includes debanding and sharpening. We also improved the making method for DVD anime specials (compared with railgun S1).
MOVIE: The BD source presents over-sharpening, similar to railgun S2, but the former has much better image quality. The official animation making is obviously improved, also resulting in fewer visual artifacts. Pre-processing includes anti-aliasing for edge lines and debanding for planar area (with mask & limit).

本资源扫图格式为 WebP,详情参见种子内 readme about WebP.txt
Please refer to "readme about WebP.txt" if you have trouble viewing WebP images.

本次重发修整了已经几乎是五年前发布的魔禁剧场版和前两季度 (即是说新瓶装旧酒,视频没有变化),修改包括:替换 S2 EP24 由 Service Pack 1;修正所有章节;增补 BDBOX 扫图 (ルイ サイファー@U2);增补几份相关音乐,包括 GNCA-1384(Act_yego@ASTOST) INDEX-0001~2(nyn1234@TSDM) 1000379577(TSDM) 和 GNCT-0012(TSDM)。合集体积由 59.8GB 增加到 61.1GB。注意旧种内容无法改名辅种。

Reseed Comment:
This reseed re-organises our old releases of this series (almost 5 years ago!), i.e. videos are actually the same, but the following changes are introduced: replace S2 EP24 from our Service Pack 1; revise all chapters; add BDBOX scans (ルイ サイファー@U2); and complement CDs as complete as possible, in which new ones include GNCA-1384(Act_yego@ASTOST), INDEX-0001~2(nyn1234@TSDM), 1000379577(TSDM) and GNCT-0012(TSDM). The final size increases from 59.8GB to 61.1GB. Note that files from old torrents will not hash in this torrent.

这份发布来自 VCB-Studio 每月老番重发计划。
我们计划在每月月中和月末,重发 VCB-Studio 曾经发布过的合集。选择的合集有这些特点:
1. 发布已久,公网已经或者几乎断种;
2. 存在制作错误或疏漏,尤其当存在补丁包修正;
3. 之前的发布为分卷或分季,适合补充一个系列合集。
2018 年 9 月,月末

基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR
中文字幕分享区: VCB-Studio 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)








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