这个项目与 喵萌奶茶屋 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
This project is in cooperation with Nekomoe kissaten. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
Release the Spyce 的 Blu-ray 原盘画质一般,正片画面有典型的 720p 拉伸特征,伴有少量色带,利用常规的逆向拉伸重构线条结合传统去色带就可以非常漂亮地修复。然而脚本写到一半发现这片的 OP 是重色带糊一脸的另一种画风,只得切开来做。更坑的还在后面:分析跑到后半季发现个别几集是多种拉伸算法混杂在一起的。毕竟前面都做到那种程度了再放弃心有不甘,就硬着头皮根据逐帧分析的结果一个镜头一个镜头手动检查切割,最多的一集一共切了 156 段,切得差点神经衰弱。做完正片再看这特典,规格也是五花八门,有的正常,有的拉丝,有的间歇性拉丝。最后看在妹子们都很萌的面子上终于毫无妥协地全做完了,如果大家看得开心那就再好不过。
The Blu-ray of Release the Spyce is average. In addition to a bit of banding, the main scenes show typical characteristics associated with 720p upscaling. Fixing these issues isn't particularly hard: descale the image, reconstruct the lines, then apply de-banding, and these should suffice. Halfway through writing the script, however, I found the OP was a different "art style" - literally throwing tons of heavy colour bands into my face. I had to slice them off and treat separately, only to find that there were more issues to come: different upscaling methods were mixed up in a few episodes from the second half of the season. Unwilling to give up the progress, I pushed myself to manually check and slice the scenes based on the frame-by-frame analysis result. The worst episode, was broken into a ridiculous number of 156 pieces. It almost made me wondering if I need my head examined. Finally made it to the SPs. The quality varies wildly, too. Some are good, but there are ones which are interlaced throughout, or only for a few scenes. All in all, for the sake of moe waifus here, I finished everything with absolutely zero compromises. That said, this project couldn't be more completed without your enjoyment. Wish you a pleasant time watching.