一拳超人原盘有非常明显的锯齿和 ringing,处理的时候主要针对这两方面进行了 AA 和 dering,然后原盘的噪点比较重,对此进行了适度的降噪以控制体积。
The source of One Punch Man has very noticeable aliasing and ringing artifacts, so we mainly did anti-aliasing and dering accordingly. As there is also quite heavy noise in the source, we applied denoising to restrain the file size.
1. 修正迷你小剧场 12 的音轨;
2. 更改错误的 IV 序号;
3. 更换部分 CD 源;
4. 更改部分 CD 扫图名称;
5. 加入 Service Pack 9 中增添的 OAD;
6. 加入 Srevice Pack 8 中增添的修正版 EP12 副音轨。
Reseed comment:
1. Fix the audio track of [Mini Gekijou12];
2. Reorder the IVs;
3. Replace some CD sources;
4. Rename some CD scans;
5. Add OAD from Service Pack 9;
6. Add fixed EP12 secondary audio track from Service Pack 8.