本番由 组员提名,应要求制作。感谢他们为 VCB-Studio 发展做出的无私奉献。
This project was nominated by our members and produced upon request. Thanks to them for their selfless dedication to the development of VCB-Studio.
The original source looks decent, with a noticeable improvement compared to the first season. We applied a medium-strength processing to the lines based on descaling and reconstruction, along with conventional adaptive denoising and debanding. We also made repairs focusing on artifacts at the edges of several scenes for better watching experience.
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
CD: 侦探毛利小五郎@bilibili, {halca应援会, TheM14}@U2, 甜不氵娜娜@TSDM