内封原盘 JPN 字幕和评论音轨。
Episodes cotain JPN PGS and commentary track.
Free! 第二季的制作水准和第一季第三卷开始一致,且有着微微提升的画面编码质量,色块现象少许改善。S2 的处理重点在延续了第一季第三卷的基础上,更多的放在了更好的解决抖动算法带来的难看的观感上,同时最大程度保留原盘的目视锐度。
The image quality of Free! -Eternal Summer- has a simliar level to the S1 Vol.3 Blu-ray and later. The slightly improved encoding also mitigates the blocking problem. Our process is similar to that for Vol.3 of S1, and we paid attention to better resolve the ugly viewing experience caused by the dithering while keeping the sharpness with the source.
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
CDs: {Makabra, nebulakl, JSUM}@U2 , {julin2009, 浅羽流火, danh2121}@TSDM
Official Fanbook: abc831203@TSDM