The source has a native resolution of about 864.0p. However, the descaling and reconstruction process doesn't lead to a satisfactory result, because of the aliasing caused by too much sharpening added into the video during the later stage of production. So this time, we instead applied strong anti-aliasing and de-ringing processes for the lines, then used compensatory sharpening to preserve the watching experience. The quality of flat areas differs in 2 volumes of the source. In volume 1, it was moderate, since the bitrate is slightly lower than normal and the lack only occurs in scenes with intense motion. In volume 2, however, too many specials caused the main part's bitrate extremely low, only about half of normal. The severe deterioration of flat areas like the lack of bitrate and the grain blocking can be seen everywhere. We used a more aggressive denoising and de-banding process and weakened the low-quality motion noise.
In certain episodes, the commentary track is lengthier than the main feature. So the BD extended a black screen with informational prompts. But we removed this part (and the corresponding main audio track) to keep a usual watching experience because it doesn't have meaningful content.
感谢所有参与制作者 / Thanks to our participating members:
总监 / Script: sinsanction
压制 / Encode: Cheshire
整理 / Collate: LKey Eden
发布 / Upload: arr2
分流 / Seed: VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
CDs: Odin@U2, Sheldonsuckz@HAYAKU
Scans: Odin@U2