《废弃公主》的原盘很好,好到无从下手——沙尘暴一般的噪声在原盘中明确提到是制作上有意为之,而 SD 级的画质拉伸却又在很多镜头呈现出了极锐极黑的效果,但却不够连续。有得必有失,做起来干脆大刀阔斧一些。我们去掉了大部分小的噪点,但保留了较大的,这样观感上和原盘差距不会非常大,同时又能压低体积。至于线条则使用了些奇技淫巧神经网络使其更润,并且炮轰掉了不少镜头的锯齿和光环。另外,原盘四周都有黑边,切来切去正好还能是 4:3,就修成了 1440:1080(部分特典除外)。特典部分有些闪瞎狗眼的直接弃疗了,起码正确压成 VFR 代表了最后的挣扎。希望藉此机会能够向没看过本作的观众卖个安利。
The source quality of "Scrapped Princess" is excellent, so much so that it was difficult to improve. The sandstorm-like noise is intentionally part of the production, and the SD-quality upscaling presents extremely sharp and dark effects in many scenes, though not consistently. With gains come losses, so we took a bold approach in processing. We removed most of the smaller noise while retaining the larger ones, ensuring the viewing experience remains close to the original while reducing the file size. For the lines, we used some advanced neural network techniques to make them smoother, and we eliminated a significant amount of aliasing and haloing in many scenes. The source also had black borders around all sides, which we cropped to maintain a 4:3 aspect ratio, resulting in 1440x1080 (excluding some bonus content). Some of the overly bright bonus content was left untouched, as properly encoding it to VFR represents our final effort. We hope this version encourages new viewers to check out this series.