TV 原盘质量一般,多数轮廓线条有很高的对比度,同时有一些场景(细线条元素)出现由于素材缩放导致的锯齿;平面纹理简单,因此很节约码率。针对性地进行了抗锯齿、去色带、降噪等操作。
BD source quality is mediocre. Most lines give high contrast, while some thin ones come with aliasing due to scaling; surface texture is simple, quite saving bitrate.
pp: anti-aliasing, debanding, denosing
OVA 原盘质量与之前篇基本相同,主要存在锯齿和色带问题。因此进行了抗锯齿,去色带以及降噪操作,OVA 的处理在前篇脚本的基础上增加了一定的线条锐化以增强观感。
OVA gives similar image quality of TV series. Major problem includes aliasing and banding.
pp: anti-aliasing, debanding, denosing, sharpening
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